The rural community of Madelia, Minnesota touts itself as the “Pride of the Prairie.” And they really have something to be proud of - it's called the Madelia Model. Rural Advantage recently completed Madelia Bio-Based Eco-Industrial Assessment, an assessment of the available biomass for energy and other bioindustrial operations within a 25-mile radius of Madelia. Linda Meschke, Executive Director of Rural Advantage, brought this concept to the community of Madelia some time ago. The City of Madelia, Chamber of Commerce and local utility have been working with Ms. Meschke to create this competitive advantage for the community, called “The Madelia Model.”
The concept includes a renewable energy plant constructed at Madelia that utilizes mixed biomass from surrounding farms. Farmers have an opportunity to grow perennials, or crops other than corn and soybeans, for profit. Additional bioindustrial plants would be brought to the community, and a system utilizing waste streams from various business sectors would be developed in Madelia and the surrounding community. This model creates local, sustainable opportunities for farmers, industry and citizens of Madelia.
With the assessment now complete, local partners are seeking input from citizens, businesses, public service sectors and farmers on their vision and guiding principles for creating this competitive advantage for the project. You might not know Madelia now, but keep an eye out for this community; they are taking the reins and plowing forward!