It seems a lot of people are interested in making biodiesel for personal vehicle use, farm use and at the commerical level. Well, here at IATP, we too couldn't wait to try it. Getting started involved lots of information gathering, and some information overload. There's just so many options to choose from. So when Sundays Energy offered their assistance, we clamored on board.
Taking their advice, we decided to fashion our own biodiesel processor. The project began at Sundays Energy office on an 80 degree day (yes, it's Minnesota and sometimes it's 80 and then snowing all in the same week,or even the same day) where we all pitched in to retrofit the equipment.
When we got as far as we could that day, Kai Curry gave us the biodiesel making process overview. We weren't quite ready to begin brewing, and some of the crew met last week to connect the parts at our office. So now, the equipment is ready and in position. If you'd like to join us in the brewing process, Sundays Energy is hosting a training session at our office in Minneapolis on April 21 and 22. You can register here.